Trolls Band Together: A Psychedelic Musical Extravaganza with Glitter, NSYNC, Belinda in Spanish and More

The Trolls franchise has always been a kaleidoscopic journey into a world of colors, music, and whimsy. The latest addition to the series, "Trolls Band Together," takes the vibrancy to a whole new level, weaving a tale of love, boybands, and the unapologetic celebration of the bizarre. In this article, we'll delve into the key elements that make this movie a standout in the Trolls universe.

1. The Stellar Cast: Voices That Bring Trolls to Life

"Trolls Band Together" brings back familiar voices that have become synonymous with the franchise. Anna Kendrick returns to voice Poppy, the effervescent queen of the Trolls, while Justin Timberlake reprises his role as the grumpy survivalist Troll, Branch. The chemistry between Kendrick and Timberlake adds a layer of charm to the animated characters, making them endearing to both young and adult audiences.

New additions to the cast include the talented Troye Sivan as Floyd, a key character in the boyband saga that unfolds in the movie. Amy Schumer and Andrew Rannells join the ensemble as the nefarious duo Velvet and Veneer, bringing their comedic prowess to the Trolls universe. The chemistry and camaraderie among the voice cast contribute significantly to the film's entertainment value.

2. NSYNC Reunion: Justin Timberlake Brings Back the Boyband Magic

One of the most anticipated aspects of "Trolls Band Together" is the reunion of NSYNC, the boyband that catapulted Justin Timberlake to stardom. Timberlake, who not only voices Branch but also serves as the soundtrack producer, orchestrated the return of his old band for the film's title track, "Better Place."

The inclusion of NSYNC's music adds a nostalgic touch for fans who grew up listening to the boyband's hits. The title track, while forgettable according to some critics, brings a familiar and upbeat energy to the movie. The boyband gags within the film, featuring lines like "Bro bro goin’ solo, YOLO!!!," showcase Timberlake's willingness to playfully poke fun at his own boyband roots.

3. Belinda's Enchanting Presence: Poppy in the Spanish Language Dub

In the Spanish language version of "Trolls Band Together," the character of Poppy is voiced by the Mexican singer and actress Belinda, adding a delightful twist for Spanish-speaking audiences. Belinda, known for her contributions to the music and film industry, brings her distinct voice and charm to the character, making Poppy's dialogues resonate with a different kind of musical magic.

The decision to cast Belinda in the Spanish dub is not only a nod to her popularity but also an acknowledgment of the global appeal of the Trolls franchise. Belinda's presence adds a layer of authenticity to the character of Poppy, making the viewing experience unique for audiences who choose to enjoy the film in Spanish, available across the United States and Puerto Rico with the TheaterEars app.

4. Critics' Reviews: A Colorful Spectrum of Opinions

As with any film, "Trolls Band Together" has garnered a spectrum of reviews from critics. The movie's psychedelic visuals, quirky narrative, and musical extravaganza have received both praise and criticism.

The Glorious Oddity: Some critics celebrate the film's unapologetic oddity, describing it as a "gloriously odd and visually stunning experience." The candyfloss-colored trippiness, coupled with the whimsical narrative, is hailed as a unique addition to the Trolls franchise.

Boyband Extravaganza: The movie's focus on boyband culture, coupled with Justin Timberlake's involvement and the NSYNC reunion, has been a central point of both praise and critique. Some view it as a hilarious exploration of Timberlake's roots, while others find the gags bordering on cringe-worthy.

Musical Oddities: The soundtrack, a crucial component of Trolls movies, introduces a cover of Dolly Parton's "9 to 5" by Zosia Mamet. Critics appreciate these musical oddities, adding an extra layer of entertainment to the film's overall audiovisual experience.

Gloriously Odd in Its Own Way: Despite acknowledging the plot's lack of conventional sense, some reviewers highlight that the film is "gloriously odd in its own candyfloss-colored trippy way." The unconventional wedding scene is pointed out as a favorite moment of weirdness.

5. Conclusion: Trolls Band Together as an Unforgettable Journey

"Trolls Band Together" stands out not just as an animated feature but as a kaleidoscopic journey into a world where oddity is celebrated, and boybands get a psychedelic twist. The stellar cast, the NSYNC reunion, Belinda's enchanting presence in the Spanish dub, and the mixed but colorful spectrum of critics' reviews all contribute to the film's unique charm.

Whether you're a fan of the Trolls franchise, a nostalgic NSYNC enthusiast, or someone seeking a break from conventional animated tales, "Trolls Band Together" promises a psychedelic, glitter-filled adventure that transcends the boundaries of the expected. In the world of Trolls, where colors dance and music reigns supreme, oddity is not just embraced; it's celebrated as the heartbeat of this enchanting universe.